Create/Edit a Broadcast

Welcome to our guide on how to create a broadcast for one-off messages!

If you aren't familiar with Broadcasts yet, read this article first: Introducing Broadcasts.

In today's world, reaching a large audience with important information is critical for success in many fields. Whether you're a business owner, marketer, event planner, or anyone else looking to connect with a large group of people, broadcasts can be a potent tool.

In this guide, we'll take you step-by-step through creating a broadcast.

So, let's get started!

Edit Broadcast

  1. Click the broadcast name or the Edit button under the Actions section on the right.
    1. Clicking the broadcast name will take you to the broadcast creation sequence starting with the Edit tab.
    2. Clicking on Edit will show a dropdown list where you can choose to edit the Message, Audience, Schedule, or Tags
    3. Clicking on Audience lets you create a new audience or update the current audience filters for the broadcast.
    4. Note that if you clicked on a broadcast past the scheduled date or a completed broadcast, you would only be able to edit the message name or delete the message.
    5. The action buttons opposite the broadcast name while on the broadcast dashboard are different than when you are editing an incomplete broadcast.
    6. The action buttons are preview, clone, and delete message,

Create New Broadcast

  1. To create a new broadcast, click +Broadcast in the upper-right-hand corner of the page.
  2. A notification will show that a new broadcast <date & time created> was created. Select the audience segment you will broadcast to by clicking the dropdown arrow and hitting Continue. (Note: By default, you will see the latest audience segment. )
  3. Alternatively, you can create a new audience segment by choosing the category, filling out the empty fields, and clicking Create.

Click the link to learn more about How to Edit/Create Audience Segments in Broadcasts and

Filters in Audience Segments

  1. The next page will be the Preview Audience Segment page. Here you'll see the contacts in your audience segment including applied tags and filters.
  2. Click "Create message for this audience" if you are satisfied with the contacts for the segment. Click "Back" to redefine the audience filters.
  3. On the next page, you can choose to "Create a new message" or Select an existing message to clone and click Continue.
  4. The next page will be the broadcast editor page.
    1. If you selected 'Create a new message', fill out and set the email settings such as Sending domain, Unique Message Name, and Message Subject, and write the new email message.
    2. create a new message
    3. If you select Clone message: <message name>, the editor page will display a pre-populated form and email body.
    4. a cloned message
    5. Set the email details: Sending Domain
    6. Unique Message Name
    7. Message Subject
    8. Customize Sender Details:

    9. Click the link to learn more about Customize Sender Details.

    10. Message Preview Text
    11. Create or draft your message using either the Message Body Editor or the Custom Message Editor.
    12. Click the link to learn more about personalizing your email message.
    13. Choose the Footer Email link from the drop-down, then click 'Save'.
    14. Click the link to learn about how to create a header/footer.

    15. You may also choose Send Test Email. It is always recommended to send a test email to review its content and appearance before sending it to your full recipient list.
    16. Enter the recipient's email address for sending the test email.

Tags in Broadcast

  1. After clicking save, you will be automatically directed to the next tab 'Tags'.

Click the link to learn more about Tags in Broadcasts.

Suppressions in Broadcast

  1. After you have saved your tags from the Tags tab, the next tab 'Suppression' will automatically display. You can apply any of your stored suppression lists by clicking the checkbox.
  2. Click Save to save any changes and continue to the next tab.

Schedule Broadcast

  1. The last tab is the Schedule tab. Here you can schedule your broadcast, Send ASAP, and Send Test Email.

Click the link to learn about Scheduling Broadcast.

Finally, you can check the status of your broadcast on the broadcast dashboard.

  1. Scheduled: Indicates that the broadcast is scheduled for delivery at a specific time. Notice the Test icon beside the schedule. You can click it to run a send test email to review your broadcast message.
  2. Completed: Indicates that the broadcast has already been delivered.
  3. New: Indicates that the broadcast has not been scheduled.