Introducing Broadcasts

Broadcasts are used for one-off emails to a pre-defined audience or segments.

For example, Broadcasts are the most suitable if you are broadcasting a platform or app update or announcing an event or pre-release.

In this article, we'll take the first step in exploring the Broadcasts section of Campaign Refinery. We will introduce the Broadcasts Dashboard and the functions to set up a Broadcast.

Let's get started!

  1. Click 'Broadcasts' to go to the Broadcasts Dashboard.

  1. When you click Broadcasts, it will show the Broadcasts Dashboard

3. New Broadcast: Create a new Broadcast by clicking the +Broadcast button on the upper right side of the Dashboard.

Note: Learn how to Create/Edit a New Broadcast in this article.

  1. The Dashboard also shows the Broadcasts you already have under the 'Message' section, the Engagement statistics of your broadcasts, the Status of your Broadcasts, and other control buttons under Actions.
  2. The Message section has all the new and previously created Broadcasts or Message names or titles. Here, you can sort the messages to view by created, scheduled, or message name.
  3. You can click on the broadcast name to edit the message, apply/remove tags, apply suppression, and schedule the broadcast. It also shows the 'Configure' link to define your broadcast audience segment, & 'Scheduled', which displays the scheduled delivery of the message.

  1. The Engagement section shows your broadcast's data, including a 'Report' tab. 

Click the link to learn more about Broadcast Message Analytics.

  1. The Status section shows your Broadcast type as a 'Completed', ' New', or 'Scheduled' Broadcast.
  2. Then, the Actions section has a set of functions that you can use to modify your email or Broadcast.
    1. The Edit button allows you to modify your message, broadcast audience, schedule, and apply or remove tags based on user actions within the broadcast you are currently editing.
    2. The Preview button displays the preview of the email/message in the broadcast.
    3. The Clone/Duplicate icon lets you duplicate the broadcast. A pop-up window will appear to confirm if you would like to clone the selected broadcast. Once confirmed, you will see a notification that a new broadcast has been created.
    4. The notification will automatically display the editor page for the new message/broadcast.
    5. Finally, the last button under actions - the Delete button. You guessed that right! It lets you delete a broadcast. A pop-up window will appear to confirm you want to delete the broadcast. Once confirmed, the dashboard page will automatically be displayed. You will then see the notification that you have deleted 1 broadcast.

  1. Lastly, at the bottom right-hand corner of the Broadcasts Dashboard is the ' wheel' icon or the Help Center.

If you get stuck anywhere on the page, a glitch or technical issue occurs, or the page behaves unusually, click this icon to reach Campaign Refinery's support.

~We hope this article helps! Let us know what you think.~