Suppression List in Broadcasts/Campaigns

A suppression list is a powerful tool for email marketers who want to ensure that their email campaigns or broadcasts are only sent to the intended audience. This list contains email addresses explicitly excluded from receiving emails from a particular sender or organization.

Note: Learn more about Suppression list from this article.

You may apply existing suppression lists to your broadcasts/campaigns. Refer to this guide to learn how to create new suppression lists and remove contacts from them.

To Apply Suppression Lists in Broadcasts

  1. Go to Broadcasts on the left side menu panel. Select the broadcast you want to work on.
  2. Click on the Suppression Tab
  3. Check the box next to the Suppression list name that you want to apply and click Save.

To Apply Suppression Lists to Campaigns

Applying suppression lists to campaigns is as easy.

  1. Go to Campaigns>All My Campaigns> Select the campaign that you would like to work on.
  2. Click on the Suppression Tab
  3. Check the box next to the Suppression list that you want to apply and click Save.