Audience Segment Filters

๐Ÿ“When creating or updating audience segments, you can set conditions or criteria for what your contacts should look like.

Below are the filters used for your audience segments. Use these filters to customize the type of contacts you want to have in your audience segment.


First Name

Starts with__

Ends with__


Is empty__

Is filled__

Not equals__

Last Name


Doesn't contain__

Ends with__


Is empty__

Is filled__

Not equals__

Starts with__



Doesn't contain__

Ends with__


Is empty__

Is filled__

Not equals__

Starts with__

With Any or All of these tags.

You can type in the tags you want or choose from the list.

๐Ÿ“You can add as many tags as needed.

Exclude with Any or All of these tags.

You can type in the tags you want or choose from the list.

๐Ÿ“You can add as many tags as needed.

Profile was created or updated in the last ____ hours, months, or days.

Engaged HAS or HAS NOT Clicked or Opened in the last ____ Days, Hours, or Months.

Subscription status: Subscribed/Unsubscribed

Having many options to mix and match gives you superpowers regarding how granular an audience can be.

  • Want to have a group of "Product A buyers who have subscribed and opened an email in the past 60 days"?
  • Plug in the filters for Tag, Subscription Status, and Engagement.

  • You can quickly reference that as often as you'd like for broadcasts or to kick off new automated campaigns.
  • Once you've plugged in the appropriate filters, you'll be presented with the matching contacts.

At this step, you can give the audience a name and click "Save as new segment," like in the example below:

If you want to review the contacts in your Audience Segment for broadcasts or campaigns, go to Contacts > Audience Segments in the left-hand navigation.

You'll see a list of your saved Audience Segments, including any one-off ones you used for a broadcast.