Clean Status Filter

Understanding and managing these clean status categories is crucial for maintaining a healthy email list and achieving successful email marketing campaigns. Regular list cleaning and segmentation can help improve deliverability and engagement rates.

  1. Verified: These are email addresses that have been confirmed as valid and deliverable through a verification process. These addresses are likely to result in successful email deliveries.

  1. Undeliverable: Email addresses marked as undeliverable are ones that cannot receive emails, often due to technical issues or invalid domains. Sending emails to undeliverable addresses can harm your sender reputation.

  1. Catch-All: Catch-all addresses accept emails sent to any random username at a domain. They can be risky because it's challenging to determine if they are valid or not, but they may still be functional.

  1. Role: Role-based email addresses are generic ones associated with job titles or departments (e.g.,, They are often monitored by multiple people and may have lower engagement rates.

  1. Malformed: Malformed addresses contain syntax errors or formatting issues, making them invalid for sending emails. They need correction before use.

  1. Spam Trap: Spam trap addresses are set up by ISPs and anti-spam organizations to catch senders engaging in poor email practices. Sending to spam traps can severely damage your sender reputation.

  1. Complainer: These are email addresses associated with individuals who have previously marked emails as spam or filed complaints. Continuously emailing complainers can lead to deliverability problems.

  1. Bot: Bot email addresses belong to automated programs or bots. They typically don't engage with emails, so they may negatively impact your engagement metrics.

  1. Seed Account: Seed accounts are used for monitoring email deliverability and campaign performance. They are usually controlled by the email marketing platform or third-party monitoring services.

  1. Unknown: Addresses in the "unknown" category are typically those for which the clean status cannot be definitively determined. It may require further investigation or verification.

  1. Unauthorized: These addresses have not given explicit consent for email communication and should not be included in your email list unless they opt-in.

  1. Disposable: Disposable email addresses are temporary and often used for one-time purposes. They can be a sign of low-quality or fraudulent sign-ups.

  1. Suppressed: Suppressed addresses are those that have been intentionally excluded from your email campaigns, often due to unsubscribes, complaints, or other reasons.

  1. Malicious: Malicious addresses may be used for phishing, fraud, or other malicious activities. They should be treated with caution and reported to the appropriate authorities.

  1. Parked: Parked domains are typically used for temporary purposes or domain monetization. Emails sent to these addresses often bounce or go undelivered.

  1. Cold Unsubscribed: Cold unsubscribed addresses are those that were previously unsubscribed from your list but haven't engaged with your emails for a long time. They may need re-engagement strategies.