Search Contacts

The Search Contacts feature has additional filtering options to help you narrow down your search more effectively.

The fastest way to search for a contact is to utilize the search field on top of the left-side panel menu. You can type in the email address for a specific search result. Though generally, you can type in even just a part of the contact's email address, or name.

However, for a more refined search result, use the Search Contacts feature. Click on Contacts from the left side panel menu and select Search Contacts.

Below are the filtering options that will help you with contact search:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email
  4. Tags
  5. Profile was created or updated in the last ____ hours, months, or days.
  6. Engaged HAS or HAS NOT Clicked or Opened in the last** ____ Days, Hours**, or Months.
  7. Subscription status: subscribed/Unsubscribed

  1. Clean status:

  1. Moreover, you can further refine your search by using combined filters.

  1. You have the option to create a new segment using the contacts generated from your search.
    1. Enter the name for the new segment. Click 'Save as new segment' to store the contacts from your search in this newly created segment.
    2. For further information on Audience Segments, please refer to the linked articles below.