Global Settings

The global settings apply universally across the entire account. You can edit the default settings by going to Settings>Global Settings on the left-side menu panel.

Here we'll discuss the three tabs under Global Settings.

General Tab

  1. Account Timezone. Allows you to set the timezone for your account. All new accounts are on America/New York (Eastern) Time by default. However, you may change this as needed.
    1. Note: Broadcast timing is synchronized with the time zone of your account settings and your broadcast schedules are based on the account timezone and not the recipients'.
  2. Email Layout. These are the default settings for the email layout. You can change these defaults according to your preference to apply across all your campaign emails and broadcasts.
    1. Maximum Width of Email Content
    2. Email Body Alignment
    3. Margin Around Email
  3. Contacts. To set how your contacts' first and last names are displayed.
  4. Editor Preferences. These are the default editor values for fonts, font sizes and line spacing. To customize these aspects of your specific emails, use the campaign email editor or the broadcast message editor.
    1. Click here to learn more about email/message editor.
    2. Default Editor Font

    3. Default Editor Font Size

    4. Default Editor Line Height
    5. Note: Click the link to learn more about Email/Message Editor.

Integration. Integrate your credentials from your Clickbank vendor account with Campaign Refinery. Currently, only Clickbank is available for integration and Klaviyo is in the works!

  1. Select the Integrations Tab.
    1. Click the link for a step-by-step guide to integrating your Clickbank Vendor Account with Campaign Refinery.

Automations in global settings allow you to define and configure rules or processes that affect how your email marketing account operates on a broader scale. These rules are applied consistently across all campaigns, and contacts within your account.

  1. Select the Automations tab.
    1. Click on the +Automation Rule to create a new automation.
    2. Notice that there is a lesser number of triggers and action available in the global settings automation compared to campaign-specific automation.
    3. Click the link for a step-by-step guide to automation rules.