Campaigns: Rewards

Picture this: Your emails become more than just messages; they're gateways to excitement! We're talking about rewards— those treats for your subscribers that not only add fun to your email but also help spark interest and engagement among your recipients.

Let's get started!

  1. Go to Campaigns from the left side panel menu, then select 'Rewards'.
  2. To edit existing rewards, click on the edit button to the right, opposite the Reward you would like to modify.
    1. Here you can edit the Reward Title, Description, Value of Reward, and the Points Required. After you've made your preferred changes, click 'Save Changes'.
    2. You can also click on 'Configure Points' to re-assign the number of points to be awarded to your subscriber.
    3. Click 'Save' after configuring.
  3. To create a new reward, select Rewards under Campaigns, and click on '+Reward'.
    1. Fill in the required fields and click on 'Save Changes'
  4. Finally, on the same page where you can create a new reward, you can also select to Preview the rewards. This is the layout of the rewards page your contact will see. The points will not be updated on this page preview on your account.

What does it look like in your recipient's email?

  1. The rewards update for your contact will appear at the footer part of your email,

  2. Your recipient or contact can click the 'What's this?' link (see image above) to access additional details regarding the reward progress, including the number of points required for the next reward.

Unlocking Rewards as Automation Trigger

  1. You can use the reward program to start a sequence by setting it as a trigger in the Automations tab of your campaign.
    1. You can set a rule for the system to assign a tag to a contact who has unlocked a specified reward. You can then use that automation to start another sequence thru another automation.
    2. Alternatively, you can start by adding a tag event at the beginning of the next sequence you intend your contact to participate in.

Note: Click the links below for more information on automation rules and triggers

Step-by-Step Guide to Automation Rules

Triggers & Actions of Automation Rules