Create/Edit Campaign Sequence
In this section, we're guiding you on creating and editing campaign sequences.
Let's start!
Click on the campaign you want to create/edit a sequence for.
To edit or update the Sequence Name and Sequence Settings, on the Sequences Tab, click on Edit under Actions.
📝By default, both buttons (Sequence may be run multiple times and Reset pending scheduled events...) should be disabled.
Click on Continue to see the updated Sequence Name.
In this example, the Sequence name was changed to 'Application Sequence 2'
To add or create a Sequence, click the '+Sequence; On the Sequences Tab.
Create a Sequence name and click Continue to go to the Sequence Editor page.
This is the Sequence Editor page where you can add/edit events. In the example below, we begin the sequence by choosing "add tags". Click Continue. (Note that you have the flexibility to begin your sequence with the event that you think is most appropriate for your campaign.)
Add tag(s) by typing in a new tag or choosing from existing ones, then click Save.
Next, select "Send Email" from the same drop-down menu and click Continue.
📝Learn more about creating/editing an email campaign within a sequence in this article.
Go back to the Sequence Editor page to view/add events to the Sequence.
Add a "Delay Timer" from the drop-down menu. This is to schedule when you want the email to be sent out.
Set the schedule, and click the Save button:
You can also rearrange the order of the events in the Sequence as you like. Simply hold and drag the sliders.