Add/Edit Tags in Campaigns

Create tags in real time while building your campaign. Campaign Refinery saves changes in the created or added tags as you work within your campaign builder.

Let's start!

Go to Campaigns>All My Campaigns

Select the campaign you want to work on, and then the sequence.

You have the option to generate fresh tags while adding or modifying an event, whether for tagging purposes during event creation or for the subsequent email-sending event within the sequence.

Add/Edit Tags

Click add tags and continue.

The Add-Tags page will display a drop-down box where you can select to add existing tags.

Type in the new tag you want to create or add to this event, and click on the underlined new tag before clicking Save. By doing so, Campaign Refinery will store this new tag for your convenience, enabling swift tag creation directly within your workflow. Then click Save.

Send Email Event The same is true when adding Tags for actions contacts take with an email.

Click on the Add Tags button and click continue.

Enter a fresh tag to create a new one, or select from existing ones. Click Save.

You can also add tags to specific links in your email.

Go to sequence tab editor>check the email event you want to add/edit tags for

Click the Tags button on the right side opposite the email event.

Choose from existing tags or type in the tags you want to apply/remove. Click Save.