Setting Goals in Campaign Refinery

Setting goals in Campaign Refinery is a powerful tool that allows you to define the desired outcomes of your campaign. Whether your objective is driving purchases, gathering registrations, or tracking engagement, goals help you stay focused and organized.

  • By setting up goals, you can effectively guide your contacts through sequences of events and even halt those sequences once a goal is achieved. In this way, goals ensure that your campaign delivers the right messages to the right people at the right time.
  • With Campaign Refinery, setting up and managing goals is simple and intuitive, providing you with valuable performance indicators and enhancing the overall effectiveness of your campaigns.

Let's delve into the details:

Desired Outcomes

  • Think of goals as the milestones your campaign aims to achieve. These could range from driving specific actions such as making a purchase, registering for an event, or tracking engagement.

Strategic Direction

  • The Goals feature in Campaign Refinery allows you to organize and direct your campaign effectively. It logically lays out the progression of your campaign and can halt subsequent nudges and reminders once a particular goal is met.

Pause and Trigger

  • Successfully achieving a goal can automatically trigger the halt of a sequence of events for a contact. This can be incredibly useful for tailoring the customer journey based on their interactions.

Campaign Progression

  • Goals serve as the strategic backbone of your campaign, ensuring a coherent progression. They provide clarity and structure to your communication strategy while optimizing customer interactions.

Webinar Registration Illustration

Imagine you have a goal centered around webinar registration.

  • Contacts who show interest in an auto-webinar after requesting a PDF lead magnet could be reminded of the available webinar.
  • If a contact registers immediately after requesting the lead magnet, they can skip the entire sequence.
  • Achieving the "UCF Auto Training Registration" goal removes subsequent scheduled events.
  • After successful registration, a different sequence can be initiated to encourage product purchases.

Encouraging Product Purchases

You can initiate different sequences to encourage product purchases.

  • If a contact makes a purchase, they can be excluded from further purchase-related messages.
  • Once a contact makes a purchase, stop asking them to buy again.
  • Likewise, they can be included in another sequence with a different purchase-related offer.

Setting Up Your Campaign Goals

Select the campaign you want to work on.

Navigate to the Goals section in your campaign.

On this page, you can both create new campaign goals and modify existing ones.

To Edit an existing goal: Click the specific goal under Name or the edit button opposite the goal you need to modify.

To Create a new goal: Click the +Goal on the upper-right corner of the page,

Type in/edit the Goal name. Give the goal a clear and recognizable name.

Enter the tag(s) that signify goal achievement on a contact record. Use existing tags or create new ones by typing in the new tag.

Multiple tags can be used, depending on your needs.

Choose whether the goal looks for ANY or ALL of the specified tags.

The Default setting is: Contact may have ANY tags; looks for any tag within the list

ALL: Useful for tracking highly engaged contacts or specific actions.

Save your campaign goal.

A notification will display that your goal has been updated. Go to the Sequences tab to apply your modified goals to any of your sequences.

Goals can be used to halt a sequence or kick off another sequence. Goals serve as performance indicators to guide contacts through the appropriate sequences in your campaigns.

Go to the Sequences tab and select the sequence you want to work on.

Scroll all the way down to save your sequence. Before saving, you can: select to Halt the sequence <Defined Goal> from the drop-down menu.

or Select No Goal, run all sequence events

Click Save to confirm your selection.

Continue with your workflow by going back to your campaign dashboard.